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“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest their patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” — Thomas Edison


Here you will find various definitions related to health, wellness and natural cooking. The definitions area is designed to help you on your journey to an energized, healthy and passionate life!



Is considered by most people to be a grain but it is actually a seed that comes in many colors such as yellow or red. Quinoa is somewhat transparent when cooked. It was a staple food of South American Native Americans before the Spanish Conquistadors prevented the cultivation of the plant. Quinoa was considered by the Incas to be "the mother seed." It was also called "the gold of the Aztecs" because it was known to provide strength and physical endurance. Quinoa is very high in protein and rich in all the essential amino acids making it ideal for vegans. Though rarely ever found in grocery stores, the quinoa plant has edible leaves similar to that of its relatives - beets, spinach and chard. Quinoa also provides good sources of magnesium, manganese, B2, vitamin E, fiber, iron, phosphorous, copper and zinc.

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